Nature is where we come from and nature is all connected so in nature we realize more readily our own nature is as diverse from another’s as a snowflake’s crystal design.
Each our own nature and our own way of perceiving life around.
Get close to your nature.
Together with wise horses we work. Horses are wise in another way than humans, you will see! if you do not already know of their connectedness. Horses are often the ones to turn, turn a story around. Great communicators, coordinators, characters, creators, and observers with more senses, too, they are.
When we do something, anything really, with horses and with a good coach and we make choices while keeping our heart and mind in a certain intent and reverence, then we experience what it is like, what it feels like, when an alternative choice re establishes alternative neural passageways, to create a better road circuit in the brain, re-inforcing positive change.
Aliquet nisl. Nulla tempor mauris sed pretium egestas. Ut mi lacus, tincidunt ac quam quis, ultricies laoreet purus. Donec tincidunt scelerisque lacus, vel convallis augue interdum ac. Etiam eget
gallery of wild wonder
Surprising to us that we, animals of the species sapiens, are aware of many things that other beings that we share this planet with, are not.
Surprising so many more ways to perceive there are, we are just discovering. Many many beasties perceiving life all around and all the time, sending out their signals on other wavelengths we cannot recognize, how big a world this is once we catch a glimpse at how many ways of communicating there are!
Insight greatly gained by reading – Ed Yong “An Immense World”